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What are the current challenges

We have a shared vision with our communities for us to live healthy, joyful lives. We recognise that our health services, as they are currently organised, will not effectively deliver that vision and we describe some of the challenges below.

We have been talking to you with regular engagement about the future of health and care services since 2017 and we consulted with you in 2018. The consultation was called Our Big NHS Change and you can find out more about it by reading our Technical Documents (opens in new window)

We asked you about community and hospital-based care. We learnt that receiving care and support where you need it is important and this should be as local as possible, although you understand there are times when you have to travel for care. We also heard that you are concerned about travel and transport, and how you will get to and access health services in the future. This is mainly due to our geography and areas of remoteness, but also links to how we use technology.

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