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Will community midwives still provide postnatal care?

Yes - The community midwives will plan your postnatal care with you taking into consideration your individual needs. If there is a concern regarding coronavirus in your home the midwives will plan with you the best way to provide your care. The schedule below is a guide to what your postnatal care package may look like:

A midwife home visit the day after you return home.

  • On day 3 you will receive a phone call/ video call to find out how you and the baby are. This phone call will help you and the community team decide if you need to see a health care professional.
  • On day 5 the baby will be weighed and with your consent the baby blood spot test taken.
  • On day 7 you will receive a phone call/video call to find out how you and the baby are. This phone call/video call will help you and the community team decide if you need to see a health care professional.
  • The midwife will plan with you when to discharge you to the care of the health visiting team.
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