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Health Board Partnership Forum

The Health Board Partnership Forum (HBPF) has been established as an Advisory Committee of the Hywel Dda University Health Board and constituted from 1st October 2009.

  • The HBPF is the formal mechanism where NHS Wales’ employers and Trade Unions, professional bodies (hereafter referred to as Trade Unions) work together to improve health services for the people of Wales.  It is the forum where key stakeholders will engage with each other to inform, debate and seek to agree local priorities on workforce and health service issues.
  • At the earliest opportunity, the Board will engage with Trade Unions in the key discussions at the HDdUHB Board, HBPF and County Partnership Forums (CPF).

The HBPF will provide the formal mechanism for consultation, negotiation and communication between the Trade Unions and management. The TUC principles of partnership will apply:-

  • a shared commitment to the success of the organisation
  • a focus on the quality of working life
  • recognition of the legitimate roles of the employer and the trade union
  • a commitment by the employer to employment security
  • openness on both sides and a willingness by the employer to share information and discuss the future plans for the organisation
  • adding value – a shared understanding that the partnership is delivering measurable improvements for the employer, the union and employees

The full role of the Staff Partnership Forum is detailed in the Health Board Partnership Forum Terms of Reference (PDF, 397Kb, opens in new tab)

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