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Human rights

Human rights belong to everyone.  The Human Rights Act (HRA) 2000 is not just about the law. It is relevant to many decisions that people make and experience on a day to day basis. The governments intention was to place human rights at the heart of the way public services are delivered.

Since coming into force on 2nd October 2000, the act has made rights from the European Convention of Human Rights enforceable in our own courts, and brought those rights into UK law by, placing a duty to respect the rights it contains in everything that public authorities do. Public authorities include NHS Trusts, local authorities and central government departments. It also makes it possible for individuals to claim the rights it contains.

The core principles of human rights are commonly referred to as the FREDA principles, Fairness, Respect, Equality, Dignity and Autonomy.

Equality is a common thread between human rights, the equality act, the 7 well-being goals and our values closely reflect these principles.

If you would like more information on the Human Rights Act (2000) please click here to visit the British Institute of Human Rights website (opens in new tab)

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