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Structured Assessment and Standards for Healthcare Service in Wales

Structured Assessment is a self-assessment of our position in relation to the governance and accountability module of the Standards for Health Services in Wales.

The module on governance and accountability provides a framework for us to self-assess how well we think we are governed, this being a fundamental factor in the provision of safe and effective care. It is also useful in demonstrating how we ensure the services we offer are fit for purpose.
A summary of the Board’s corporate level assessment of our governance arrangements using the governance and accountability module matrix is a Welsh Government requirement for inclusion in the Annual Governance Statement (AGS).
The Governance and Accountability Module is prepared on behalf of the Board and submitted to Health Inspectorate Wales (HIW) in accordance with the stipulated timescales, in addition to the summary being included in the AGS.  Both the Governance and Accountability Module and the Annual Governance Statement are presented to the Board in June along with the Annual Accounts.
The Standards for Healthcare Services in Wales set out what our citizens have a reasonable right to expect from our health services.  The Standards provide a key tool in helping the UHB drive clinical up quality and patient experience.  Further information on the Standards can be found on the NHS Governance Website.   Every year, the UHB undertakes a self assessment against the standards as a key source of assurance to determine the areas where the UHB is doing well and those that need to do better.  Reports on progress against the Standards are reported to the Quality, Safety and Experience Assurance Committee.

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