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Reuse of the information we provide

The Reuse of Public Sector Information Regulations came into force on 1st July 2005.  The objective of the regulations is to encourage the electronic information industry by making information held by public bodies available for reuse.

The material available through the our publication scheme is subject to Hywel Dda University Health Board copyright unless otherwise indicated. You can find our publication scheme here (opens in new tab) 

Unless expressly indicated to the contrary, it may be reproduced free of charge, in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License (OGL).  This license can be viewed on the national archives website here (opens in new tab)  or you can write to the

Information Policy Team,
The National Archives,
TW9 4DU,

or email:

Use of information expressly made under this license indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions as set out in the OGL.  When you use our information under the OGL, you should include the following attribution:

[insert name of information resource, Hywel Dda University Local Health Board, date of publication], licensed under the Open Government License

Permission to reproduce material does not extend to any material accessed through this website that is the copyright of third parties.  You must obtain authorisation to reproduce such material from the copyright holders concerned.


Request for information to be reused

If you wish to reuse the information provided, applicants should:

  • Submit requests in writing, which includes email.  They must be legible and usable for subsequent reference.  This means it must be in a form which can be filed for future reference
  • Provide their name and address
  • Specify which documents they wish to reuse
  • State the purpose for which the document is to be reused


Requests must be made to: 

The Freedom of Information Officer,
Hywel Dda University Health Board,
Corporate Offices,
Ystwyth Building,
St David's Park,
Job's Well Road,
SA31 3BB       

Tel: 01267 239730

In accordance with the regulations, we will aim to respond to all applications within 20 working days.



If you believe that the we have failed to comply with the requirements of the regulations, then you can complain, in the first instance, to the us in accordance with our internal complaints procedure, by writing to:

Interim Director of Nursing, Quality and Patient Experience,
Hywel Dda University Health Board,
Corporate Offices,
Ystwyth Building,
Hafan Derwen,
St David's Park,
Job's Well Road,
SA31 3BB



If the applicant remains unhappy following our internal complaints procedure, then they have a right to direct their complaint to the Office of Public Sector Information, which is part of the national archives at the following address:

Office of Public Sector Information,
The National Archives,


Telephone: +44 (0)20 8876 3444

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