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Healthier Mid and West Wales

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We have a shared vision with our communities for us to live healthy, joyful lives.

Our ambition is to shift from a service that just treats illness to one that keeps people well, prevents ill-health or worsening of ill health, and provides any help you need early on.

We are working in our communities to provide more joined-up support and care as close to home as possible.

Our hospitals also have an important role to provide quality specialist support when needed, and we want to improve hospital services so they provide you with the very best standards and safety in care, with better outcomes for you.

Here we will keep you up-to-date with latest news and developments in the transformation of health and care in our area.

In the links below you will find our strategy called ‘A Healthier Mid and West Wales: Our future generations living well’. This shares our reasons for changing and our vision for improving health and well-being for our communities.

You will also find links to the Programme Business Case, which is a document for the Welsh Government and the first stage in programme planning. It provides a prospectus of potential opportunities, which we hope will lead to Welsh Government investment in our buildings and infrastructure.

We want to continue to engage, and possibly formally consult on parts of the programme, with patients, public, staff, and partners.



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