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Welcome to issue 25 of Hywel Dda University Health Board’s Vaccine Bulletin.

This weekly update will provide the latest information regarding the progress of the COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Programme across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.

All adults in Wales are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine. It is not too late for anyone who has changed their mind about having a vaccine to get an appointment.

Wales has a “no one left behind” policy so if you would like to book your first vaccine dose please contact the health board in one of the following ways to request an appointment as soon as possible:

Online request form - first dose (opens in new tab)
Telephone: 0300 303 8322

To help all Hywel Dda residents have easy and flexible access to a COVID-19 vaccine, first and second dose walk-in vaccine clinics (opens in new tab) are also running at all Hywel Dda mass vaccination centre across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire. 

When can I have my second vaccine dose?

We are focusing on offering a second dose to everyone in priority groups 1-9 over the next three weeks – that’s everyone over 50, all healthcare workers, social care workers, and other vulnerable groups, including care home residents.

We are continuing to work to bring forward appointments for the people over 40, subject to supply, so they don’t have to wait longer than eight weeks between their first and second doses.

We are aiming to offer all eligible adults two doses of vaccine by the end of September.

You can choose to wait for the health board to give you an appointment or attend a walk-in if you had your first vaccine 8 or more weeks ago.

If you would prefer an appointment and had your first vaccine more than 8 weeks ago, please contact the health board in one of the following ways to request an appointment:

Online request form - second dose (opens in new tab) 
Telephone: 0300 303 8322

While every effort is being made to ensure a good supply of all vaccines are available at each centre, if the vaccine you require is not be available, our vaccination staff will book you into the next available session. You may wish to check if the vaccine you require is available before travelling to a centre:

Telephone: 0300 303 8322

If someone attends a walk-in vaccination clinic for their second dose earlier than 8 weeks after their first dose, Hywel Dda mass vaccination centre staff reserve the right to refuse and request they return 8 weeks following their first vaccine.


Mobile COVID-19 vaccination clinics in partnership with Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service

A mobile COVID-19 vaccination clinic will be operating in Cross Hands in Carmarthenshire this week following a partnership between Hywel Dda University Health Board (UHB) and Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service (opens in new tab).

The fire service is providing one of its vehicles from which Hywel Dda UHB staff will deliver the vaccine to anyone aged 18 and over that requires either a first or second dose (Moderna and Oxford AstraZeneca). Appointments will not be necessary.

The mobile vaccination clinic will be based at the Leekes (opens in new tab) car park and will operate daily from Thursday 1 to Saturday 3 July 11.00am to 6.00pm.

Members of the fire service will also be in attendance to provide the public with general community safety advice, including about home safety. They will be joined by the health board’s Community Development Outreach team, which is reaching out to ethnic minority people living in Carmarthenshire to help them during the COVID-19 pandemic, support community cohesion, and remove barriers to accessing services.


Dedicated mental health and wellbeing COVID vaccination clinics

Hywel Dda University Health Board is providing dedicated sessions at its mass vaccination centres to provide extra support for people who may find it difficult to attend due to mental health issues, anxiety, worries or fears.

These protected clinic times will provide a quiet space for experienced mental health nurse vaccinators to support people and provide reassurance for them to receive their vaccination.

These clinics will stock the Moderna vaccine which is the recommended vaccine for those on mental health medications. It is also the recommended vaccine for those receiving treatment for substance misuse.

Alison Evans, Clinical Lead Nurse for Hywel Dda Mass Vaccination Centres, said: “We want these clinics to be as flexible and accommodating as possible. This system has been working extremely effectively with learning disability nurse vaccinators providing a bespoke care plan for individuals and expert interventions. 

“By acknowledging that people are individuals and need individual interventions, we are reaching many groups who are finding the mass vaccination centres and prospect of an injection a scary and worrying decision.

“We are actively encouraging all community mental health services and third sector support hubs across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire to share this information and link in with their local mass vaccination centre to arrange supported appointments for those finding it difficult to attend. Or for those who just want more information they can call into one of our sessions with no need to contact anyone first.”

The dedicated sessions will run every Tuesday between 2pm and 7pm at the following centres:

  • Aberystwyth (Thomas Parry Library, SY23 3AS)
  • Carmarthen walk-in (Halliwell Conference Centre, UWTSD, SA31 3EP) 
  • Haverfordwest (Pembrokeshire Archives, SA61 2PE)  
  • Llanelli (Ffwrnes Theatre SA15 3YE) 
Priority Group First dose vaccine numbers First dose percentage uptake Second dose vaccine numbers Second dose percentage uptake
P1.1 - Older adult resident in a care home 2,489 96.4% 2,137 82.8%
P1.2 - Care home worker 3,479 99.6% 3,181 91%
P2.1 - All those 80 years of age and over 22,823 99.9% 21,805 95.4%
P2.2 & 2.3 - Health and social care workers 25,835 98.6% 24,036 91.7%
P3 - All those 75 years of age and over  18,671 95.7% 18,150 93%
P4.1 - All those 70 years of age  25,018 95.1% 24,379 92.7%
P4.2 - Clinically extremely vulnerable individuals  under 70 years of age 8,700 87.8% 8,293 83.7%
5. All those 65 years of age and over 21,671 90.7% 21,024 88%
6. All individuals aged 16 years to 64 years with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of serious disease and mortality (at risk groups) 38,703 86.7% 34,844 78.1%
7. All those 60 years of age and over 13,390 68.8% 12,893 66.3%
8. All those 55 years of age and over 14,849 79.8% 13,676 73.5%
9. All those 50 years of age and over 14,842 91.3% 10,663 65.6%
10. Priority group 10 or unallocated 67,683 44.1% 7,382 4.8%
45 to 49 years old 11,117 70.3% 2,550 16.1%
40 to 44 years old 10,298 67.8% 1,387 9.1%
35 to 39 years old 10,657 66% 1,003 6%
30 to 34 years old 10,611 62.4% 872 5%
25 to 29 years old 9,628 55.2% 730 4.2%
20 to 24 years old 10,779 57.1% 637 3.4%
15 to 19 years old 4,591 30.4% 203 1.3%
Total: 278,154 71.8% 202,463 52.3%

Total vaccinations per county - issue 25

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