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We are pleased to announce that we are now able to move to the next phase of updating our visiting policy. Whilst visiting is not returning to how it was prior to COVID-19 we are now able to implement some of the guidelines from Welsh Government.

From Monday the 3rd August women will be able to bring their partner or nominated other to support them when they are undergoing their scheduled anomaly scan (20 weeks scan)

To ensure the protection of both patients and staff women and their partner/nominated other will be asked:

  • Screening questions prior to attendance
  • Undertake hand hygiene steps – alcohol gel will be provided
  • To wear a face mask on arrival which can be provided

The above steps may be subject to change depending on the current COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to film the scan or make a video call during the appointment. You will be able to purchase a photo of the baby.

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