It is important that adults have had all of their routine childhood immunisations. For more information on routine immunisations schedules click here (opens in a new tab)
Some people will need additional immunisations as they are at increased risk due to their age or health condition. Click here for more information on vaccines for pregnant women and at risk groups (opens in a new tab).
For those at increased risk to complications of influenza, the annual flu vaccine is recommended. Find out more information about the seasonal flu vaccine here (opens in a new tab). A pneumococcal vaccine is also recommended to help protect people at increased risk of pneumococcal disease.
It's important that vaccines are given on time for the best protection, but if you have missed a vaccine, contact your GP to catch up.
Find out more about the pneumococcal (PPV) vaccine here (opens in a new tab)
Find out more about the shingles vaccine here (opens in a new tab)
Find out more about the Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine here (opens in a new tab)