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The hospitals are busy because of coronavirus, the hospital might look different to what it normally does.

Some areas are closed, this is to make sure that the virus does not spread.

Park in the visitors car park, if you arrive early wait in your car. Go into the outpatients department entrance.

Take your appointment letter to yellow/green desk. The reception desk is like this to stop people getting too close.

A nurse will ask you questions, Have you had a cough? Have you been short of breath? Have you had a high temperature? Have you had a loss of smell or taste?

The nurses and doctors will wear a mask, apron and gloves, this is to protect you from the coronavirus. This is the same nurse without the mask, apron and gloves.

The nurse will put this on your finger – it does not hurt. It will check your oxygen levels and your heart rate.

The nurse will take your temperature before you see the doctor.

If your temperature is ok you will be asked to wait for your appointment. You must not sit in the chairs that are taped off, this is to make sure that people do not get too close to each other. The doctor will call you when they are ready to see you.

If you have a high temperature, a cough, shortness of breath or a loss of smell or taste, you will be given a mask to wear and you will not be able to see the doctor. The nurse will give you advice and will ask you to go home. You will get another appointment when you are better.

If you would like to speak to someone about your appointment, telephone outpatients on 0300 303 9642

If would like support with your appointment from the learning disability liaison nurses please email:

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