National insurance is a tax on earnings and self employed profits. By paying national insurance, it entitles you to state benefits, though these vary according to whether you are employed, self-employed or making voluntary contributions.
When employed, national insurance is automatically deducted from your monthly pay. Everyone who is eligible to work in the UK requires a national insurance number, which is a unique code specific to the individual. If you are moving to the UK, you may have your national insurance number printed on the back of your biometric residence permit.
If you do not have a national insurance number you must apply for one by contacting HM Revenues and Customs (HMRC) or applying online. HMRC will need to prove your identity and will ask for specific documents.
Acceptable identification may include your passport, residence permit, birth certificate, banks statements or utility bills (must be dated from the last three months).
Visit the government website here to apply for a national insurance number (opens in new tab).