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The purpose of the Finance Committee (FC) is to:

  • To scrutinise and provide oversight of financial and revenue consequences of investment planning (both short term and in relation to longer term sustainability). 
  • Review financial performance, review any areas of financial concern, and report to the Board.
  • Conduct detailed scrutiny of all aspects of financial performance, the financial implications of major business cases, projects and proposed investment decisions on behalf of the Board.
  • Regularly review contracts with key delivery partners. 
  • Provide assurance on financial performance and delivery against Health Board financial plans and objectives and, on financial control, giving early warning on potential performance issues and making recommendations for action to continuously improve the financial position of the organisation, focusing in detail on specific issues where financial performance is showing deterioration or there are areas of concern.

The full role of the Committee is detailed in the Finance Committee Terms of Reference (PDF, 835KB, opens in new tab)

Click here to view the approved Finance Committee minutes (opens in new tab)

Click below to access the agenda and papers from the Finance Committee meetings:




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