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Health and Safety Committee (HSC)

Provide assurance around the UHB arrangements for ensuring the health, safety, welfare and security of all employees and of those who may be affected by work-related activities, such as patients, members of the public, volunteers contractors.

Advise and assure the Board on whether effective arrangements are in place to ensure organisational wide compliance of the Health Board’s Health and Safety Policy, approve and monitor delivery against the Health and Safety Priority Improvement Plan and ensure compliance with the relevant Standards for Health Services in Wales.

Where appropriate, the Committee will advise the Board on where and how its health and safety management may be strengthened and developed further.

Provide advice on compliance with all aspects of health and safety legislation.

With regard to its role in providing advice to the Board, the Committee will comment specifically upon the adequacy of assurance arrangements and processes for the provision of an effective Health and Safety function encompassing:

  • Staff Health and Safety (to include any well-being consequences in the context of health & safety)
  • Premises Health and Safety
  • Violence and Aggression (including Lone Working and Security Strategy
  • Fire Safety
  • Risk Assessment
  • Manual Handling
  • Health, Welfare, Hazardous Substances, Safety Environment
  • Patient Health and Safety – Environment Patient Falls, Patient Manual Handling

The full role of the Committee is detailed in the Health and Safety Committee Terms of Reference (PDF, 364Kb, opens in new tab)

Click here to view the approved and latest unapproved Health and Safety Assurance Committee Minutes (opens in new tab)

Click below to access agenda and papers from the Health and Safety Assurance Committee meetings







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