Download the approved Extraordinary Board Minutes 23 June 2020 here
Download the draft Corporate Trustee minutes of the meeting held on 23rd June 2020 here
1.1 Apologies [Presenter: Chair]
1.2 Declaration of Interests [Presenter: All]
1.3 Minutes of the Public Meeting held on 28 May 2020 (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Chair]
1.4 Matters Arising and Table of Actions from the Meeting held on 28 May 2020 (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Chair]
2.1 Committee Annual Reports
2.1.1 Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Paul Newman]
2.1.2 Business Planning and Performance Assurance Committee (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Judith Hardisty]
2.1.3 Quality, Safety and Experience Assurance Committee (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Professor John Gammon]
2.1.4 Charitable Funds Committee (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Simon Hancock]
2.1.5 Finance Committee (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Michael Hearty]
2.1.6 Mental Health Legislation Assurance Committee (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Judith Hardisty]
2.1.7 Primary Care Applications Committee (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Judith Hardisty]
2.1.8 University Partnership Board (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Professor John Gammon]
2.2 Advisory Group Annual Reports
2.2.1 Health Care Professionals Forum (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Dr Phil Kloer]
2.2.2 Staff Partnership Forum (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Lisa Gostling]
2.2.3 Stakeholder Reference Group (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Sarah Jennings]
2.3 Annual Assessment of Board Effectiveness 2019-20 (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Steve Moore]
2.4 HDdUHB Annual Report 2019-20 (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Steve Moore]
2.5 Audit Wales ISA 260 and Letter of Representation (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Audit Wales]
2.6 Final Accounts for 2019-20 (PDF, 20,749KB) [Presenter: Huw Thomas]
3.1 Head of Internal Audit Annual Report and Opinion (PDF, 20,749KB)
Hywel Dda University Local Health Board was appointed as corporate trustee of the charitable funds by virtue of Statutory Instrument 2009 No. 778 (W.66) and that its Board serves as its agent in the administration of the charitable funds held by the UHB.
4.1 Hywel Dda Health Charities - Support Received March to May 2020 (PDF, 20,749KB)
Thursday 30th July 2020 at 9:30am Venue to be confirmed