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UPDATE: Download the approved public board minutes 24 September 2020 here

Agenda - public board meeting 24th September 2020

1. Introductions

1.1 Apologies [Presenter: Chair]

1.2 Declaration of Interests [Presenter: All]


2. Governance

2.1 Minutes of the Public Meeting held on 30 July 2020 (PDF, 806KB) [Presenter: Chair]

2.2 Matters Arising and Table of Actions from the Meeting held on 30 July 2020 (PDF, 99KB) [Presenter: Chair]

2.3 Minutes of the AGM held on 30 July 2020 (PDF, 516KB) [Presenter: Chair]

2.4 Report of the Chair (PDF, 136KB) [Presenter: Chair]

2.5 Maintaining Good Governance COVID-19 (PDF, 229KB) [Presenter: Chair]

2.6 Report of the Chief Executive (PDF, 350KB) [Presenter: Steve Moore]

2.7 Report of the Audit & Risk Assurance Committee (PDF, 387KB) [Presenter: Paul Newman]

2.8 Audit Wales Structures Assessment 2020 (PDF, 496KB) [Presenter: Steve Moore]


3. Delivering our Strategy

3.1 Developing the 3 Year Plan for the Period 2021/22 - 2023/24 (PDF, 864KB) [Presenter: Steve Moore]


4. Delivering the Here and Now

4.1 Improving Patient Experience Report (PDF, 1,940KB) [Presenter: Mandy Rayani] 

4.2 COVID-19 Report (PDF, 2,260KB) [Presenters: Steve Moore & Andrew Carruthers] 

4.3 Performance Report against Revised WG Guidance [Presenter: Karen Miles] 

4.3.1 Performance Update month five 2020-21 SBAR (PDF, 503KB)

4.3.2 Performance Update month five 2020-21 (PDF, 1,000KB)

4.3.3 Trend Charts month five 2020-21 (PDF, 1,070KB)

4.4 Report of the People, Planning & Performance Assurance Committee (PDF, 122KB) [Presenter: Professor John Gammon] 

4.5 Report of the Quality, Safety & Experience Assurance Committee (PDF, 123KB) [Presenter: Anna Lewis] 

4.6 Report of the Finance Committee (PDF, 568KB) [Presenter: Michael Hearty]

4.7 Financial Report (PDF, 290KB) [Presenter: Huw Thomas] 

4.8 HDdUHB Seasonal Influenza Plan 2020/21 (PDF, 522KB) [Presenter: Ros Jervis] 

4.9 Children's and Young People's Services in Hywel Dda (PDF, 307KB) [Presenter: Andrew Carruthers] 

4.10 Report of the Health & Safety Assurance Committee (PDF, 135KB) [Presenter: Judith Hardisty]


5. Annual Reports

5.1 Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report 2019/20 (PDF, 2,050KB) [Presenter: Ros Jervis]

5.1.1 Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report SBAR 2019/20 (PDF, 114KB)

5.1.2 Appendix One Population Equality Information (PDF, 336KB)

5.1.3 Workforce Equality Annual Report 2019/20 (PDF, 1,110KB)


6. Committee Update Reports

6.1 Committee Update Reports (PDF, 444KB)

6.2 HDdUHB Joint Committees & Collaboratives (PDF, 2,490KB) [Presenter: Steve Moore] 

6.3 Statutory Partnerships Update (PDF, 119KB) [Presenter: Ros Jervis]


7. For information

7.1 Board Annual Workplan (PDF, 151KB)


8. Date and Time of Next Meeting 10.00am, Thursday 26th November 2020


9. In Committee Session Motion to exclude the public from the meeting in accordance with the provisions of section 1 (2) and (3) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960

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