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Board agenda and papers - 26th March 2020

Agenda - Board Meeting 26th March 2020

1. COVID-19

[Presenters: Chair/Chief Executive]


2. Governance

Item 2.1 - Apologies  [Presenter: Chair]

Item 2.2 - Declaration of Interests [Presenter: All]

Item 2.3 - Minutes of the Public Meeting held on 30 January 2020 (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Chair]

Item 2.4 - Matters Arising & Table of Actions from the Meeting held on 30 January 2020 (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Chair]

Item 2.5 - Report of the Chair  (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Chair]

Item 2.6 - Report of the Chief Executive (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Steve Moore]

Item 2.7 - Report of the Audit & Risk Assurance Committee (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Paul Newman]

Item 2.8 - Board Level Committee Terms of Reference for the Revised Corporate Governance Structure/ Arrangements (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Joanne Wilson]


3. Strategic Issues

Item 3.1 - Three Year Plan Including the Financial Plan (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenters: Karen Miles/Huw Thomas]

Item 3.2 - Strategic Equality Plan & Objectives 2020-24 (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Sarah Jennings]


4. Delivering the Here and Now

Item 4.1 - Improving Experience Report (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Mandy Rayani]

Item 4.2 - Primary Care Model for Wales Delivery Milestones 2019-20 and 2020-21 (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Jill Paterson]

Item 4.3 - Report of the Quality, Safety & Experience Assurance Committee (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Professor John Gammon]

Item 4.4 - Report of the Business Planning & Performance Assurance Committee (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Judith Hardisty]

Item 4.5 - Performance Update - Month 11 2019/20 (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Karen Miles]

Item 4.6 - Report of the Finance Committee (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Michael Hearty]

Item 4.7 - Finance Update – Month 11 2019/20 (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Huw Thomas]

Item 4.8 - Corporate Risk Register (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Steve Moore]


5. Committee Update Reports

Item 5.1 - Committee Update Reports (PDF, 2260KB) [Presenter: Joanne Wilson]

Item 5.1.1 - Board Level Committees

Item 5.1.2 - In Committee Board (PDF, 2260KB)

Item 5.1.3 - HDdUHB Advisory Groups (PDF, 2260KB)

Item 5.2 - HDdUHB Joint Committees & Collaboratives (PDF, 2260KB)

Item 5.3 - Statutory Partnerships Update (PDF, 2260KB)


6. For Information

Item 6.1 - Board Annual Workplan (PDF, 2260KB)


7. Date and Time of Next Meeting, 9.30am, Thursday 28th May 2020, Pembrokeshire County Council, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA61 1TP
8. In Committee Session
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