Sometimes pain continues longer than expected and does not respond to conventional approaches. When the pain system becomes stuck in a high state of alert, it can have significant impact on many areas of life and be difficult to manage. Our service works with people to try and help improve the situation.
We are a team of different professionals including consultants, associate consultants, specialist nurses, clinical psychologists, specialist physiotherapists and pharmacists. There are two aspects to the service a medical and a biopsychosocial arm, who work together using the most up to date guidelines and evidence to help the person living with ongoing pain improve quality of life and function.
Your referral will be triaged to the part of the service which is most likely to be helpful for you. A letter will be sent to you explaining this and asking you to confirm that you want to be seen.
Once you reach the top of the waiting list you will be offered an appointment which may be via telephone, video or face to face. There will be an assessment and plan agreed on the basis of this and all the other information available. A letter will then be sent to yourself and the referrer / your GP summarising this.
Any health professional within the health board (or in some cases outside the health board), who has identified that you have a persistent pain problem which requires more specialist input. They should have ensured that you have been appropriately investigated (including all “Red Flags”) and that treatment and initial management options have been explored with limited benefit.
There is a lot of helpful information available to guide people living with persistent pain. Here are some reliable sources of information and advice which may include things that you could try whilst you are waiting to be seen.
Important Information:
Prior to making a referral, please be aware of current guidelines (Living with Persistent Pain in Wales (WG 2019/2023, NICE NG193, NG 59, CG173, CG150) which are very specific about which interventions may be offered and the indications for these. (For example, do not offer injections for non-specific low back pain). Discussing specific interventions with people who may not meet the criteria, may not assist them in fully engaging with approaches that are likely to be more helpful and sustainable.
If a person’s behaviour and ability to engage with a self-management process is significantly compromised (eg severe or unmanaged psychotic symptoms, problematic substance misuse, severe cognitive impairment), please inform us of the specific issues. This will allow us to identify whether we are the best service to assist with their care or whether this is better done through another service with our support. People who are actively suicidal / high risk should be referred to the Crisis Team initially.
Please ensure the following have been attempted in the prior to referral:
Failure to demonstrate this in the referral letter will result in the referral being declined and returned
Exclusion criteria: