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Strategic Development and Operational Delivery Committee (SDODC)

The purpose of the Strategic Development and Operational Delivery Committee is:

  • To receive an assurance on delivery against all relevant Planning Objectives falling in the main under Strategic Objectives 4 (The best health and wellbeing for our individuals, families and our communities) and 5 (Safe, sustainable, accessible and kind care), in accordance with the Board approved timescales, as set out in HDdUHB’s Annual Plan.
  • Provide assurance to the Board that the planning cycle is being taken forward and implemented in accordance with University Health Board and Welsh Government requirements, guidance and timescales.
  • Provide assurance to the Board that, wherever possible, University Health Board plans are aligned with partnership plans developed with Local Authorities, Universities, Collaboratives, Alliances and other key partners, such as the Transformation Group who form part of A Regional Collaboration for Health (ARCH).
  • Provide support to the Board in its role of scrutinising performance and assurance on overall performance and delivery against Health Board plans and objectives, including delivery of key targets, giving early warning on potential performance issues and making recommendations for action to continuously improve the performance of the organisation and, as required, focus in detail on specific issues where performance is showing deterioration or there are issues of concern.
  • Provide assurance to the Board that the data on which performance is assessed is reliable and of high quality and that any issues relating to data accuracy are addressed.
  • Seek assurance on the management of principal risks within the Board Assurance Framework (BAF) and Corporate Risk Register (CRR) allocated to the Committee and provide assurance to the Board that risks are being managed effectively and report any areas of significant concern e.g. where risk tolerance is exceeded, lack of timely action.
  • Recommend acceptance of risks that cannot be brought within the UHBs risk appetite/tolerance to the Board through the Committee Update Report.

Receive assurance through Sub-Committee Update Reports that risks relating to their areas are being effectively managed across the whole of the Health Board’s activities (including for hosted services and through partnerships and Joint Committees as appropriate).

The full role of the Committee is detailed in the Strategic Development and Operational Delivery Committee Terms of Reference (PDF, 278Kb, opens in new tab)

Click here to view the approved minutes and the latest unapproved minutes of the Strategic Development and Operational Delivery Committee (opens in new tab)

Please click on the meeting date below to view the agenda and papers:









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