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Voice disorders

Voice disorders also known as “dysphonia”. This can be new changes where your voice starts to sound too high or low pitched, weak, hoarse, rough, breathy, strained, or have reduced range. Lots of things can cause voice problems, so it is very important that your first step is to discuss it with your GP.

Your GP can decide if you need to be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT). After you have been seen by an ENT they will refer you on to us if needed. We can only offer you an appointment once we have your ENT report.

When you come to see us we will usually chat about your medical history. We will look at when your voice started to change and look at your ENT assessment results. We can help you learn to look after your voice and may give you exercises to help your voice get better.

We are also able to offer some help for people struggling with voice dysphoria where your voice doesn’t match your gender identity. If you are having trouble with this you can let your GP or gender clinic know and they can refer you on to us.

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