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Board agenda and papers - 29th July 2021


Please note: this meeting was live-streamed via MS Teams. The link has now expired. A recording of the meeting can be made available on request by contacting the Corporate Governance Team via the following email:-


Agenda - public board meeting 29th July 2021

1. Introductions

1.1 Apologies [Presenter: Maria Battle]

1.2 Declaration of Interests [Presenter: All]


2. Governance

Item 2.1 Minutes of the Public Meeting held on 27 May 2021 (PDF, 212KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Maria Battle]

Item 2.2 Minutes of the Public Meeting held on 10 June 2021 (PDF, 141KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab)  [Presenter: Maria Battle]

Item 2.3 Minutes of the Public Meeting held on 24 June 2021 (PDF, 143KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Maria Battle]

Item 2.4 Matters Arising and Table of Actions from the Meetings held on 27 May, 10 June and 24 June 2021 (PDF, 108KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Maria Battle]

Item 2.5 Report of the Chair (PDF, 162KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Maria Battle]

Item 2.6 Revised Governance Structure and Arrangements (PDF, 2.7MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Maria Battle]

Item 2.7 Report of the Chief Executive (PDF, 4.6MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Steve Moore]

Item 2.8 Report of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (PDF, 264KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Paul Newman]


3. Delivering our Strategy

Item 3.1 Transforming Mental Health Services Update (PDF, 146KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Andrew Carruthers]

Item 3.2 Three Year Draft Plan for Children's Services (PDF, 568KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Andrew Carruthers]


4. Delivering the Here and Now

Item 4.1 Improving Patient Experience Report (PDF, 1.8MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Mandy Rayani]

Item 4.2 COVID-19 Report and Update on Annual Plan (PDF, 191KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Steve Moore]

Item 4.3 Performance Report against Revised WG Guidance (PDF, 368KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Huw Thomas]

Item 4.4 Corporate Risk Register (PDF, 1.4MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Joanne Wilson]

Item 4.5 Report of the People, Planning and Performance Assurance Committee (PDF, 150KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: John Gammon]

Item 4.5.1 Major Incident Plan (PDF, 752KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Ros Jervis]

Item 4.6 Report of the Quality, Safety and Experience Assurance Committee (PDF, 133KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Anna Lewis]

Item 4.7 Report of the Health and Safety Assurance Committee (PDF, 336KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Judith Hardisty]

Item 4.8 Report of the Finance Committee (PDF, 326KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Winston Weir]

Item 4.9 Financial Report (PDF, 973KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Huw Thomas]

Item 4.10 Outsourcing Arrangements (PDF, 136KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Huw Thomas]

Item 4.11 Virtual Pooled Fund Agreement for Adult Care Home Placements 2021-24 (PDF, 331KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Jill Paterson]

Item 4.12 Strategic Business Intelligence (PDF, 172KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Huw Thomas]

Item 4.13 Bronglais General Hospital Chemotherapy Day Unit Project – Approval to Develop with Revised Relocation Plans (PDF, 194KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Andrew Carruthers]


5. Annual Reports

Item 5.1 Well-being Objectives Annual Report 2020-21 (PDF, 2.1MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Ros Jervis]

Item 5.2 Improving Outcomes for Carers Annual Update Report and West Wales Carers Development Group Annual Report 2020-21 (PDF, 3.9MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Ros Jervis]


6. Committee Update Reports

Item 6.1 Committee Update Reports (PDF, 1MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Joanne Wilson]

Item 6.2 HDdUHB Joint Committees and Collaboratives (PDF, 2.5MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Steve Moore]

Item 6.3 Statutory Partnerships Update (PDF, 147KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Ros Jervis/ Jill Paterson]

Item 6.3.1 West Wales Care Partnership - Draft Dementia Strategy (PDF, 4.4MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Alison Shakeshaft]


7. For Information

Item 7.1 Board Annual Workplan (PDF, 169KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) 


8. Date and Time of Next Meeting 9.30am, Thursday 30 September 2021


9.  In Committee Session Motion to exclude the public from the meeting in accordance with the provisions of section 1 (2) and (3) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960



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