Please note: this meeting was live-streamed via MS Teams. The link has now expired. A recording of the meeting can be made available on request by contacting the Corporate Governance Team via the following email:-
1.1 Apologies [Presenter: Maria Battle]
1.2 Declaration of Interests [Presenter: All]
Item 2.1 Minutes of the Public Meeting held on 27 May 2021 (PDF, 212KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Maria Battle]
Item 2.2 Minutes of the Public Meeting held on 10 June 2021 (PDF, 141KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Maria Battle]
Item 2.3 Minutes of the Public Meeting held on 24 June 2021 (PDF, 143KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Maria Battle]
Item 2.4 Matters Arising and Table of Actions from the Meetings held on 27 May, 10 June and 24 June 2021 (PDF, 108KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Maria Battle]
Item 2.5 Report of the Chair (PDF, 162KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Maria Battle]
Item 2.6 Revised Governance Structure and Arrangements (PDF, 2.7MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Maria Battle]
Item 2.7 Report of the Chief Executive (PDF, 4.6MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Steve Moore]
Item 2.8 Report of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (PDF, 264KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Paul Newman]
Item 3.1 Transforming Mental Health Services Update (PDF, 146KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Andrew Carruthers]
Item 3.2 Three Year Draft Plan for Children's Services (PDF, 568KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Andrew Carruthers]
Item 4.1 Improving Patient Experience Report (PDF, 1.8MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Mandy Rayani]
Item 4.2 COVID-19 Report and Update on Annual Plan (PDF, 191KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Steve Moore]
Item 4.3 Performance Report against Revised WG Guidance (PDF, 368KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Huw Thomas]
Item 4.4 Corporate Risk Register (PDF, 1.4MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Joanne Wilson]
Item 4.5 Report of the People, Planning and Performance Assurance Committee (PDF, 150KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: John Gammon]
Item 4.5.1 Major Incident Plan (PDF, 752KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Ros Jervis]
Item 4.6 Report of the Quality, Safety and Experience Assurance Committee (PDF, 133KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Anna Lewis]
Item 4.7 Report of the Health and Safety Assurance Committee (PDF, 336KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Judith Hardisty]
Item 4.8 Report of the Finance Committee (PDF, 326KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Winston Weir]
Item 4.9 Financial Report (PDF, 973KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Huw Thomas]
Item 4.10 Outsourcing Arrangements (PDF, 136KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Huw Thomas]
Item 4.11 Virtual Pooled Fund Agreement for Adult Care Home Placements 2021-24 (PDF, 331KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Jill Paterson]
Item 4.12 Strategic Business Intelligence (PDF, 172KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Huw Thomas]
Item 4.13 Bronglais General Hospital Chemotherapy Day Unit Project – Approval to Develop with Revised Relocation Plans (PDF, 194KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Andrew Carruthers]
Item 5.1 Well-being Objectives Annual Report 2020-21 (PDF, 2.1MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Ros Jervis]
Item 5.2 Improving Outcomes for Carers Annual Update Report and West Wales Carers Development Group Annual Report 2020-21 (PDF, 3.9MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Ros Jervis]
Item 6.1 Committee Update Reports (PDF, 1MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Joanne Wilson]
Item 6.2 HDdUHB Joint Committees and Collaboratives (PDF, 2.5MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Steve Moore]
Item 6.3 Statutory Partnerships Update (PDF, 147KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Ros Jervis/ Jill Paterson]
Item 6.3.1 West Wales Care Partnership - Draft Dementia Strategy (PDF, 4.4MB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab) [Presenter: Alison Shakeshaft]
Item 7.1 Board Annual Workplan (PDF, 169KB, 23 July 2021, opens in new tab)