The purpose of the Mental Health Legislation Committee (MHLC) is to assure the Board that those functions of the Mental Health Act 1983, as amended, which they have delegated to officers and staff are being carried out correctly; and that the wider operation of the 1983 Act in relation to the University Health Board’s area is operating properly.
In particular, to:
- Ensure that the University Health Board’s statutory duties as defined by the Mental Health Act 1983, as amended, are exercised reasonably, fairly and lawfully;
- Ensure that the provisions of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010 are implemented and exercised reasonably, fairly and lawfully;
- Provide assurance to Board Members that their responsibilities as Hospital Managers are being discharged effectively and lawfully;
- Ensure compliance with the Mental Health Act 1983 Code of Practice for Wales, in particular Chapter 11; and
- Advise the Board of any areas of concern.
The full role of the Committee is detailed in the Mental Health Legislation Committee Terms of Reference (PDF 497KB, opens in new tab)
Click here to view the approved and latest unapproved Mental Health Legislation Committee Minutes (opens in new tab)
Click below to access the agenda and papers from the MHLC meetings: