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The purpose of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee  (ARAC) is advise and assure the Board and the Accountable Officer on whether effective arrangements are in place, through the design and operation of the University Health Board’s system of assurance, to support them in their decision taking and in discharging their accountabilities for securing the achievement of the University Health Board’s objectives, in accordance with the standards of good governance determined for the NHS in Wales.

The Committee independently monitors, reviews and reports to the Board on the processes of governance, and where appropriate, facilitates and supports, through its independence, the attainment of effective processes.

The Committee’s principle duties encompass the following:

  • Review the establishment and maintenance of an effective system of good governance, risk management and internal control across the whole of the organisation’s activities, both clinical and non clinical. 
  • Maintaining an appropriate financial focus demonstrated through robust financial reporting and maintenance of sound systems of internal control.
  • Work with the Quality, Safety and Experience Assurance Committee to ensure that clinical governance and risks are part of an embedded assurance framework that is ‘fit for purpose’.

The full role of the Committee is detailed in the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee Terms of Reference (PDF, 376Kb, opens in new tab)

Click here to view the approved and the latest unapproved minutes of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (opens in new tab)

Please click on the meeting date below to view the agenda and papers:








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