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Accessing urgent healthcare on holiday

Sunset over the sea

Healthcare professionals across mid and west Wales have produced guidance for visitors to the region to advise them on how to access COVID-19 testing and urgent health services while on holiday.

With thousands of visitors expected to the area over the coming months, Hywel Dda University Health Board is continuing to work with primary care contractors to ensure that essential and urgent healthcare is available for both residents and visitors. A campaign informing those visiting Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire includes leaflets in accommodation packs and posters for display in visitor accommodation.

Hywel Dda University Health Board’s Director of Public Health, Ros Jervis said: “We are grateful for the co-operation of visitors to the area, and ask that people familiarise themselves with the information on how to access urgent care while on holiday and what to do if they need a COVID-19 test.

“Everyone can take simple steps to stay well by washing your hands regularly, using hot water and soap or hand sanitiser, wearing a face covering where required and adhering to good social distancing.

“Together, we can keep Hywel Dda safe.”

Dr Sion James, Deputy Medical Director for Hywel Dda University Health Board added: “Now the tourism sector is welcoming people back to our beautiful region, it is important that visitors know how to access urgent healthcare should they become ill whilst on holiday.

“We would like to thank our contractors in primary care who continue to work hard to offer essential and urgent services to their patients and visitors during this difficult time.”

Information for those visiting the three counties includes:

COVID-19 symptoms:

For COVID-19 related advice, please call 111.

If you develop any of the classic three symptoms (a new continuous cough, high temperature, or a loss or change in sense of smell or taste) or wider flu-like symptoms (including aches and pains, persistent headache or tiredness, runny/blocked nose, sore throat, shortness of breath), you and anyone travelling with you, must return home as quickly as possible if well enough to do so, and book a test via or call 119. You must not use public transport.

If you are too unwell to return home straight away and require a test locally, you should still book a test via the above contact (please have the postcode of your holiday accommodation available).

  • When booking your test, you will also be asked about your symptoms. If you have flu-like symptoms rather than the classic three symptoms, choose ‘None of these symptoms’ and then choose one of the following options to enable you to complete the booking:
  • My local council or health protection team has asked me to get a test, even though I do not have symptoms or
  • You are part of a government pilot project or
  • A GP or other healthcare professional has asked me to get a test.

Urgent care - Always call 999 for emergencies or visit your nearest A&E. For minor injuries you can attend a minor injuries unit.

Paediatric care - If your child becomes ill, please dial 999 if it is an emergency. If it is not urgent but you need support, contact 111 who will know where your local services are. Please note not all our hospitals have a full range of paediatric services.

General Practice care:

Urgent care - You should call a local Practice covering the address where you are staying. Please do not visit the surgery in person; Practices have strict measures in place. If the Practice thinks you need face-to-face treatment, the Practice will tell you what you need to do. Practices are not able to offer non-essential care. Non-urgent care - Contact your own surgery to receive advice over phone or online.

Pharmacy care - If you need repeat medication, you should contact the GP Practice you are registered with to get a prescription. An emergency supply of medication may be provided, without a prescription, if specific criteria is met. Please phone ahead before visiting the pharmacy. You may be asked to wait outside.

Dental and eye care - If you have an urgent dental which cannot wait until you get home, please call 111 to access an emergency appointment. Please note if you have bleeding that won’t stop following an extraction, severe facial swelling or swelling that is making it difficult to breathe, you need to go to A&E. For urgent eye care advice, please contact your nearest optometrist.

For a full range of FAQs, and for contact details of local healthcare services, please visit:

For general advice call 111.