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3 March 2023

A Confidence Building Officer has been provided for Hywel Dda University Health Board as part of the Work Welsh scheme by the National Centre for Learning Welsh to provide a series of short confidence building courses for staff.

The aim of the Work Welsh scheme is to assist employers to upskill the workforce to use more Welsh at work.

Enfys Williams, Welsh Language Services Manager, Hywel Dda University Health Board said: "The purpose of the confidence building courses is to change linguistic habits and improve confidence, so that our staff are more likely to use their Welsh to communicate with others and complete tasks in the workplace through the medium of Welsh.

"As a Health Board we recognise the importance of the Welsh language in the workplace for our staff and service users. Our workforce language skills data shows that there is a significant percentage of Welsh speakers working for the health board however following recent feedback it is clear that many feel that it is a lack of confidence that is holding them back".

Siwan Iorwerth, Manager of the Work Welsh Scheme, National Centre for Learning Welsh said: "We are very pleased to collaborate with Hywel Dda University Health Board to increase the Welsh language skills of the workforce which will ultimately increase the Welsh language services within the health board.

"These courses will give the individuals confidence to use more of their Welsh at work as well as in their everyday lives."

The full-time Confidence Building Officer, Richard Jones, will be employed by one of the Learn Welsh providers, Aberystwyth University, for a period of 12 months. The aim is to offer short confidence building courses and work with individuals to change the use they make of the Welsh language with patients. The series of Confidence Building courses will be open to all health board staff as well as targeting specific groups of staff such as Receptionists, Apprentices and Nurses; staff who have direct contact with patients.