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Bronglais Hospital, Aberystwyth has isolated a small number of patients who have tested positive for COVID-19.

All patients are stable and being cared for in isolation and according to COVID-19 and infection prevention guidelines, with appropriate use of Personal Protective Equipment and social distancing.

Bronglais Hospital Clinical Director Dr Annette Snell said: “We have used a well-established track and trace system to ensure all potential contacts have been followed up and are isolating. We are liaising closely with affected patients and their families as well as our staff.”

The affected patients are being cared for in dedicated COVID-19 side rooms in an area set aside as a Covid red area. The remainder of the hospital is unaffected.

Bronglais Hospital Head of Nursing Dawn Jones added: “We would like to reassure patients and the family members of any patients at Bronglais Hospital that we have contained the small number cases and are caring for all patients appropriately.

“Visiting is not currently permitted at the hospital unless in specific exceptional and pre agreed circumstances such as one parent or guardian with children and babies, a birthing partner for labour, a visitor for patients with learning difficulties or mental health needs or for patients at the end of the life or requiring palliative care. Contact with loved ones is instead offered through virtual visiting.

“Anyone who does need to come into hospital is reminded to wear a face covering, wash their hands and observe two metre distancing to keep themselves and others safe.”

The Infection Prevention and Control team is working with hospital managers to monitor the situation as well as working with Public Health Wales and Consultants for Communicable Disease. The local team is following their advice regarding monitoring, managing and testing patients .

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 - a new continuous cough, a high temperature, or a loss or change to sense of smell or taste – please stay at home and book a test through the UK-wide website or via the national bilingual telephone service by dialling 119 between the hours of 7am and 11pm (people with hearing or speech difficulties can call 18001 119).