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NHS health care achievements and challenges across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire during 2021/22 were the focus of Hywel Dda University Health Board’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) this year.

Held on Thursday 28 July 2022, the AGM reviewed the organisation’s Annual Report, including its financial accounts. The report and presentations set out to staff, patients, and the general public what has been achieved in the year, what has been difficult, and how the health board intends improve services for local people.

The main themes included how the health board is progressing against its new strategic objectives, managing its local and regional response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and continuing to provide healthcare for those who need it most. Reference was made to new services for patients, additional and dedicated research facilities, workforce developments and capital developments at acute hospitals across the three counties. Progress on well-being objectives, Welsh language services, and the health board’s submission of its programme business case for £1.3billion investment in its long-term strategy was provided. Praise was also given to all staff, including those who have won or been shortlisted for dozens of awards and for the health board as an employer.

Maria Battle, Chair of Hywel Dda University Health Board said: "This annual event gave us an opportunity to share our reflections on another difficult year, but also to move forward with our goals, aspirations and priorities for the year to come.

“Our staff have gone above and beyond every day in the face of unparalleled pressures and challenges. A key priority for us is to continue supporting our staff now and in the months and years ahead.

“I am incredibly proud of what everyone has achieved in the face of adversity and, on behalf of the Board, I express my sincerest gratitude to all our staff, patients, partners and local communities. Together, we can build a kind and health mid and west Wales for the future.”

The board also recognised that many challenges remain. The Annual Report details areas where its performance needs to improve, along with mitigations and actions being taken, in areas such as GP out of hours services, cancer diagnosis and starting treatment, waiting times, eye care and mental health assessment and therapy.

Quality improvement continues to be a key focus to ensure the safest and best care for our patients and community, and part of this work involves listening to and acting on the feedback received from those who use our services.

Through close working with its partners on a shared vision for our communities to live healthy, joyful lives, the health board continues to engage with local people on topics such as COVID-19, its health and care strategy and the land appraisal process for a proposed new hospital.

An extraordinary health board meeting will be held at 9.30am on 4 August to consider reports from four land appraisal groups in relation to five potential sites for the proposed new hospital. The meeting will be live-streamed, with a link posted here (opens in new tab).

The health Board has also worked in partnership to support vulnerable groups, care homes, social care and safe discharge, developed new opportunities with local universities and continues as an active member of the Dyfed-Powys Local Resilience Forum.

A recording of the AGM will be available here (opens in new tab)