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The future of Solva GP Surgery will be discussed by Hywel Dda University Health Board at an extraordinary meeting on Thursday 23 February 2023.

Following the decision by the single-handed GP Contractor to resign their General Medical Services contract with the Health Board, an engagement exercise was undertaken to gather patient and local stakeholder views on the future of services for patients.

Jill Paterson, Director of Primary Care, Community and Long Term Care, from Hywel Dda University Health Board said: “We understand local people will be anxious to know what the future of their GP services will look like, and we will be writing to all patients to inform them of the outcome once a decision is made on Thursday.

“We have been working closely with the Surgery and we have heard the concerns of the community, local stakeholders and neighbouring Practices. We need to consider the evidence from the work that has taken place in recent weeks before making any decision on how services can be delivered sustainably in future.

“It’s a reflection of how much patients value the services being delivered by the team at the Surgery that so many people have taken to trouble to feedback their views to us. The Health Board is committed to listening to and engaging with local populations and we would like to thank patients and stakeholders for their involvement in the process so far.”

The contract resignation follows the planned retirement of the Practice’s only GP and several unsuccessful attempts by the Practice to recruit another GP Partner to continue the Practice.

The engagement with patients and stakeholders has included a very well-attended drop-in event held in Solva Memorial last month. This was an opportunity for people to discuss their concerns in person with Health Board staff. Additionally, all patients were able to share their views via an electronic or postal questionnaire which attracted over 1,200 responses.

Mansell Bennett, Chair of the Community Health Council, the statutory patient voice body, said: “Few things unsettle communities more than the prospect of losing a well-loved and established GP surgery.

“Many people in Solva and surrounding areas are understandably very worried.

“We have listened closely to what they have said during the engagement period and we look forward to a longer term plan for the crucial GP services that people need on the peninsula.” 

To view the Board papers and watch the meeting on the day, please visit:

A further statement will follow the Board’s formal decision on Thursday.