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21 October 2021

The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Awards (opens in new tab) have announced that Emma McKay, a community midwife in Ceredigion has been shortlisted for their Midwives’ Midwife of the Year Award.

The RCM offer these awards to commend and highlight outstanding individuals who have made a positive impact on parents and their new-borns, showcasing world-class midwifery standards.

Emma McKay said: “I feel so lucky to have been shortlisted for the RCM Midwives’ Midwife of the Year. As a member of the North Ceredigion community team, I am proud to work alongside like-minded midwives passionate about continuity of care.

“My role as a PROMPT Wales facilitator has enabled me to devise a training aid to assist colleagues across the Health Board in managing obstetric emergencies in the community.”

Mandy Rayani, Director of Nursing, Quality and Patient Experience said: “Emma has shown commendable efforts towards providing safe and nurturing care to parents and their new-born’s during this uncertain time.

“I would like to thank the Royal College of Midwives for recognising Emma and putting the spotlight on one of our exceptional midwives in Hywel Dda.

“I wish you all the best of luck Emma, you have my sincerest thanks for all of your work.”

The awards ceremony will take place on 27 October 2021. We wish you all the best of luck Emma. Thank you for all you do for Hywel Dda.