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12 October 2021

Hywel Dda University Health Board is leading the way to ‘Make Malnutrition Matter’ with a prevention through to treatment approach to tackling the adverse impacts of malnutrition.

Malnutrition Awareness Week (MAW), 11-17 October, is an annual UK initiative led by the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN).

As part of a national annual survey, members of our Nutrition & Dietetic team will this week carry out the screening survey on hospital wards and in some community settings. Patients can be assured that no information will be collected that can identify them.

By screening many people across the UK, a better picture can be built of the scale of the malnutrition problem, opportunities for improvement as well as highlighting nutrition support treatment that people are receiving.

Emma Catling, Hywel Dda UHB’s Malnutrition Strategic Lead, said: “Our aim is to support people to prevent malnutrition, and to detect and address malnutrition problems early by screening.

“Malnutrition can lead to serious health problems including increasing the risk of falls, poor wound healing, loss of strength, increased likelihood of admission to hospital, longer hospital stays and slower recovery.”