30 September 2022
Neyland and Johnston GP Surgery will be run as a managed practice by Hywel Dda University Health Board, it was decided yesterday (Thursday 29 September 2022).
No patients will need to move to other local practices, automatically transferring under Health Board management and staffed by the same team wherever possible.
The Practice gave notice on its contract with the Health Board, which comes into force from the end of October 2022.
A panel met to consider options for the future and an engagement exercise was held by the Health Board to hear the views of patients and interested people and organisations.
More than 1,300 responses were received with many patients expressing how much they valued having services delivered to them in their local community.
Whilst the panel offered an option for the Health Board to manage the Neyland branch of the practice and disperse patients in Johnston to a range of nearby practices, the Health Board reviewed all the information and decided to retain the entire patient list, based from the St Clement’s building in Neyland.
Maria Battle, Chair of Hywel Dda University Health Board said: “We are a listening Board, and we have listened to the patients of Neyland and Johnston Surgery, considered the new information and I am pleased to confirm that we will continue to offer GP services to them through a health board managed practice.
“On behalf of the Board I would like to thank everyone who took the time to provide their feedback, which has been vital in shaping our decision today and to our primary care team who have done everything possible to support the continuation of the Practice in the very short time they were given.”
Jill Paterson, Director of Primary Care, Community and Long Term Care, from Hywel Dda University Health Board added: “We would like to thank all patients and local stakeholders who responded to our engagement exercise and shared their views.
“It was clear from the feedback how much patients value their local services in their communities. While having a managed practice will bring some challenges for the Health Board, we are pleased to be offering patients the nearest option there is to current services.”
Historically the Practice has provided general medical services from two branches, but since the COVID pandemic in early 2020 the Johnston branch has not been able to offer routine GP appointments onsite, which have instead been provided from Neyland.
The Health Board will work with the practice team to continue to offer safe and effective services for patients.
All patients will be written to by the Health Board once final details are confirmed.
To watch the meeting, please visit: https://hduhb.nhs.wales/about-us/your-health-board/board-meetings-2022/board-agenda-and-papers-29th-september-2022/