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NHS volunteers needed in Ceredigion

Volunteering for the NHS can be incredibly rewarding and Hywel Dda UHB are looking for new people to join their Volunteering for Health service in Ceredigion.

There are many reasons why you may consider volunteering with Hywel Dda UHB. It is a great way to experience what it is like in a hospital environment if you are thinking about a career in health. It can also help you to give something back if you’ve been a patient yourself or had a relative in hospital.

There are many different volunteer roles available such as patient befrienders on our wards and welcome volunteers at hospital receptions, and we are particularly looking for people who would be able to help with the shop trolley and help as patient befrienders on our wards at Bronglais Hospital.

Volunteer information sessions will be held in February and anyone who may be interested in becoming a volunteer can find out more by contacting the Volunteering for Health team on 01267 244401 or

David Fretwell, Volunteer Manager at Hywel Dda UHB, said: “One of the greatest benefits volunteers can bring to the NHS is the support and comfort you bring to our patients. We particularly want to establish a shop trolley at Bronglais Hospital but we encourage anyone local to Ceredigion who wants to volunteer for their NHS to get in touch.”

To find out more about Hywel Dda UHB’s Volunteering for Health Service please visit