28 March 2024
Organisations in West Wales that can help improve your overall health and well-being have signed a charter committing to do so.
At our recent Social Model for Health and Wellbeing Summit leaders, from Hywel Dda University Health Board, Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire County Councils, and organisations such as the Welsh Government, Public Health Wales, University Wales Trinity St David (UWTSD), plus regional voluntary organisations signed the same charter demonstrating a joint commitment to building and supporting healthier communities.
The Social Model for Health and Wellbeing (SMfHW) Charter and its principles, focuses on actions to reduce health inequalities, enabling people and communities to have more control over their health to achieve and maintain the best possible health. This model promotes prevention, early identification of disease and timely intervention.
It also highlights that the requirements for health and prospects for good health are everyone’s responsibility, including health services, governments, local authorities, the voluntary sector, industry, academia, communities and individuals themselves.
Dr Ardiana Gjini, Director of Public Health at Hywel Dda University Health Board said:
"The summit provided a platform for meaningful conversation and exploring further joint working. It reinforced our commitment, alongside our partners, to apply the SMfHWB Principles and work directly with communities to improve health and wellbeing across Wales.
We look forward to working with our partners to embed the principles and deliver on the commitment of the charter, embracing a whole-system approach to health and wellbeing."
UK experts contributed to the summit and provided valuable insights into various aspects of health and wellbeing.
Cormac Russell, Founding Director of Nurture Development, discussed the devastating effects of social isolation and the need to be people-led: "Communities have the potential to be primary creators of local health and wellbeing. Local organisations can supplement and support community invention by investing in community development. There are already so many great things going on in local communities in Wales that local organisations can enable to have a greater impact – all of this requires a culture of discovery, not delivery".
Professor Sir Michael Marmot, Professor of Epidemiology at University College London (UCL) and Director of the UCL Institute of Health Equity, added "Health inequalities are not inevitable; they are a result of the conditions in which we are born, grow, live, work, and age." His presentation showed, through data, the huge gap not just in life expectancy, but in lots of areas that affect wellbeing including education and energy bills. He called on those attending and across the UK for an urgent need to address these gaps together to improve public health.
Other notable speakers included Marie Brousseau-Navarro, Deputy Commissioner and Director for Health at the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, Cllr Jane Tremlett, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Services at Carmarthenshire County Council, Prof Phil Kloer, Chief Executive of HDUHB, Jessica Bickerton, Chief Executive of Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services (PAVS) and Cllr Neil Prior, Chair of Pembrokeshire Public Services Board and Cabinet Member at Pembrokeshire County Council. Each speaker shared their perspectives on the challenges and opportunities locally.
For more information visit Social Model for Health and Wellbeing (opens in new tab).