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Share your views on Tregaron Community Hospital beds

1 August 2024

Hywel Dda University Health Board is inviting people to share their views about the impact of removing the nine inpatient beds at Tregaron Community Hospital and replacing them with services for more people provided in the community in Ceredigion.

This period of public engagement builds on the conversations that the Health Board has held with our community since 2014 when the new model of care was shared as part of the Cylch Caron project.

From 1 August to 29 August 2024, people will be able to provide feedback about the changes and how these might affect them.

The proposal for a new model of care, which is part of the broader Cylch Caron project and in line with the Health Board’s long term vision for a healthier mid and west Wales, will see the move of inpatient care from the hospital to people’s own homes.  Enabled through a different model of support, this will see staff working in different ways, focused on keeping people well at home, and with more available to help people in the community.

The Health Board’s aim is to provide a safer, more sustainable service across Ceredigion, while improving patient care and delivery. It will enhance community based support and will also help avoid people being in hospital beds and at risk of deteriorating when they are medically fit to be in their home environment. This will include the provision of palliative support at home and more responsive services to enable people to stay safely in their home.

As part of the Cylch Caron project, an integrated resource centre will be developed in partnership between Ceredigion County Council, the Health Board and the Welsh Government, bringing together a range of care, health and housing services for the future in a central hub for Tregaron and its surrounding rural areas. While the Cylch Caron scheme is developed, the Health Board is considering its current model of care for inpatients at Tregaron Hospital.

Peter Skitt, County Director for Ceredigion, Hywel Dda University Health Board said: “Despite continued efforts to recruit to positions, our current level of staff at Tregaron Hospital is insufficient, and our staffing rotas are fragile. Staff have voiced how challenging it is to support inpatients through our current model of care at Tregaron Hospital.

It is anticipated that by changing the model of care as it is currently provided, the same staff will be able to look after up to forty patients in their own homes.

“To address these issues, we propose moving our staff from being hospital based to being community based. This would mean replacing the nine beds currently at Tregaron Hospital with services provided in the community, enabling us to support more patients in their homes and deliver our community care model quicker.”

Patients have consistently shared that they would prefer to be at home, or closer to home, and this tends to support their recovery. Making this change will mean we can care for and support more people, in a way that is appropriate to their needs, and within their local community.

“Tregaron Hospital has been a part of our local community for a number of years. While we develop the broader Cylch Caron vision, Tregaron Hospital will continue to provide a base for our community staff and a facility for outpatient services.”

People can share their views between 1 August and 29 August 2024 in the following ways:

  • Drop-in event – anytime between 2pm and 7pm on Wednesday 21 August 2024 at Tregaron Memorial Hall, The Square, Tregaron, Ceredigion, SY25 6JL
  • Online virtual event (via Zoom) - 22 August 2024 at 6pm (details available on our Have Your Say website below)
  • Have Your Say website which can be found here (opens in new tab)
  • Telephone: 0300 303 8322 (choose option 5 for general enquiries)
  • Email:

Feedback from the engagement will be considered by the Health Board at its meeting in September 2024 alongside other important information, such as quality and safety requirements, staffing challenges, and financial and resource implications before making decision about the next steps.