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Three pharmacies in Carmarthenshire have opened their doors to the public on a Sunday as part of a trial in the region.

Gravells in Llanelli and Nigel Williams in Llandeilo and Cross Hands will be open for members of the public who need to see a healthcare professional for treatment for common ailments and minor injuries.

This trial is to support the GP out of hours service by encouraging patients to access the pharmacy as the first point of call.  

The well-established Triage and Treat provision is already available in the pharmacies through the week and on Saturdays. 

The types of low level injuries that can be treated under Triage and Treat service are minor abrasions, superficial cuts and wounds, eye complaints such as sand in the eye, removal of items from the skin such as a splinter or shell and minor burns including sunburn. If the injury is too serious to be treated in the pharmacy, patients will be given advice about where to go. 

Depending on which pharmacist is covering they are also offering Sore Throat Test and Treat; this is a new scheme which allows patients to call into their local pharmacy and be tested by a trained pharmacist using a quick and pain free test.

Following a consultation and assessment by the pharmacist, medication may be supplied for those patients where an antibiotic is required.

In many cases, a sore throat is the result of a viral rather than bacterial infection which means antibiotics will not work, and self-care and rest are the best course of action.

The pharmacies will also be able to help with providing emergency contraception and emergency supplies of medication as well as offering advice and treatment for common ailments.

The participating pharmacies are:

• Gravells Pharmacy, Off Thomas Street, Llanelli - open 10am – 1pm 

• Nigel Williams Pharmacy, 109 Rhosmaen Street, Llandeilo - open 12pm -2pm

• Nigel Williams Pharmacy, Isfryn, Carmarthen Road, Cross Hands - open 3pm – 5pm 

Pharmacist James Thorne of Gravells Pharmacy said: “We’re pleased to be able to open on a Sunday morning to offer a range of services to patients who otherwise may have travelled to a hospital for treatment.”

Jill Paterson, Director of Primary Care, Community and Long-term Care for Hywel Dda University Health Board said: “The Health Board is delighted that we continue to expand the range of Services we are able to offer patients locally. 

“Our Community Pharmacies are providing an increasing number of enhanced Services which enable patients and the public to seek assistance without having to attend a hospital or GP practice. 

“We believe that providing these Services on a Sunday on a trial basis, will increase the local advice and support available to patients during the weekend period.”